“My Biggest Regret is…”

“The biggest regret we hear from seniors is not getting involved sooner.” Almost every student who has gone to Huntingtown has heard this sentence from an administrator at least once before, most likely at the yearly assembly as they encourage you to sign up to join one of the many High School sports organizations or student managed clubs within the school. But one thing is for sure: most students at Huntingtown end up joining these groups later in their school careers and instantly regret not joining sooner.
Most students I talked with this year regret not taking classes or in some cases taking classes. “I regret not using my elective space to do graduation requirements because now I’m going to spend my junior-senior year doing those instead of taking AP Science for my pathway,” said a concerned Freshman. Many other underclassmen who got caught during the whole covid crisis echo the same. “My Freshmen year I decided to take easy classes since I was stuck at home, and now I deeply regret it because I’m almost practically locked out of my desired pathway. ” Some upperclassmen regret taking certain classes as they ended up wrecking their GPA.
Other students within the school regret not joining organizations before the end of the year, “I was upset I didn’t join theater before end of 3rd Quarter, I actually had a lot more fun in theater than I thought I would.” This is a common story around the school and apparently has been for years. Many students don’t get involved in the organizations in their underclassmen years that they’ll end up loving during their time as an upperclassmen. According to many, they were unsure or indecisive for their first years in high school and only end up finding their favorite group after they get dragged there by a parent or follow their friends to a practice. “I regret not joining JROTC in my Freshman year. At the time I was overwhelmed with the stay-at-home orders, now I’m in a class with majority freshmen and have to really work to get on par with other cadets”.
Do not worry it is not too late to get involved, theirs are always organizations open this time of year, and summer sports are even better. So, get involved!!