What is the Bio-Med Club? 

Founder, Emily Chan and Sophia Cheng practicing CPR on a baby dummy

The nervous sweat running down your forehead, knowing you have the key to life or death is exactly what the bio-med club is preparing its members for. Unlike the real thing though it’s a relaxed environment where you have time to laugh. The Bio-Med club founded by senior, Emily Chan gives its members a chance to experience something similar to what they want in their future.

The Bio-Med club is similar, yet also different from the class. The class will go more in-depth about the knowledge that is needed to know for tests. The class does have more opportunities than the club, but the club does as much as it can. Emily Chan originally created the club to do activities and learn subjects that weren’t offered in the class. “There are so many topics that are related to Biomed that do not have a chance to be covered.” The club is a lower stress environment and as described by Sophia Cheng, a member of the club, “In the club, it’s kind of an extra part to the class” The club helps you learn useful and interesting information about the body. Sophia also said, “You get to pretend to be doctors and surgeons” People have joined the club because it matches up with what they would like to do in the future. Even people who don’t want to do anything similar in the future still join this club to have fun with their friends. This leads me to say that anyone who wants to join the club can, it doesn’t matter if you are in the class or not. Emily wishes to extend the opportunities that the Bio-Med club can offer, “We are limited in the activities we can do as a club, but we hope to expand to do field trips in the future, and hopefully, within the next year, we can also provide members information about internships and volunteering.”

There are some days in the club when you watch a presentation on a type of disease or disorder, but some other days you get to do activities, like stitching up a banana, (for which the technical term is suturing), practicing CPR on dummies or do fun holiday tasks. About a month ago the members of the club practiced giving stitches on fruit, specifically bananas because of their thick layered peel which gave the most realistic example of human skin. Stitching a banana is actually a lot harder than it seems. Then about three weeks ago the club also performed CPR on dummies, both baby and adult CPR, and it looked like they had a lot of fun. This was also Emily Chan’s favorite memory. In her words, “The aggressiveness of the hits on the back of the dummy made everyone laugh.” The club also sometimes has guest speakers that pertain to this field, like pediatricians, biophysicists, CSI technicians, medical examiner liaisons, etc. These guest speakers help provide advice on medical school and training.

This club also has many benefits for your future if you want to get into something related to biomedical science. Emily commented, “Students can start being interested in a future career and are exposed to careers that are outside that of the traditional doctor.” Also, if you are interested in going to a 4-year college, being in a club looks good on your resume, and can help you get scholarships. The club is very welcoming and accepts anyone. Sophia Cheng said that when you join the club you get to do activities you couldn’t get to do otherwise. The bio-med club is more like a group of friends hanging out with each other rather than a class full of tests and work to do.