Once a Hurricane, Always a Hurricane
The Class of 2022
For a final “nod” to the class of 2022, we asked a large group of seniors at random four questions about their personal and academic experiences at Huntingtown, as well as if they have any advice to offer our incoming freshmen or high schoolers in general. The impact that the senior class of any high school has on the underclassmen, and staff for that matter, is immeasurable. From wise advice to comedic relief, the Hurricane Class of 2022 will surely remain in our hearts for years to come. Below, the seniors interviewed are arranged in alphabetical order for you to find them quickest and easiest.
Brooke Bartlett:

Brooke Bartlett is turning in her blue and white jersey for a purple and gold one! “My best memory is being on the lacrosse team. The girls are so sweet and amazing, and they have truly made senior year the best!” she explained. One thing that Bartlett did not expect to happen was meeting all the seniors she did, even though they were in the same school for four years! The advice Brooke offered was to get as involved as you possibly can, especially in athletics! Bartlett explained how to do this: you can make a ton of new friends that all look out for everyone. Another bonus is that having an extensive list of things you were involved in will look awesome on college applications! Brooke is attending Converse University to major in politics, as well as play lacrosse. Get at ‘em, Brooke!
Dylan Bishop:

Dylan is a well-known ‘cane for being on the wrestling team and for his fun persona! Bishop explained that hyping up the student section was one of his most fond memories. “Getting everyone turned up in the student section and beating Northern High was one of my best memories from this year!” Dylan advised that when you come back next year, make it a year to remember! He also explained that you should not lose yourself in the process of working towards your future, while also taking time for school. “Set yourself up for a future, but don’t let this time pass you by because it ain’t that serious, enjoy yourself and be a kid!” Dylan has high hopes as he joins the United States Coast Guard to become an Aviation Electronics Technician! Best of luck in the Coast Guard, Dylan!
Natalie Borowski:

Natalie Borowski is known for her participation on the HHS Cross-Country team, which is one of her favorite memories from her HHS career! “My best memory was of my cross-country team dinners during my sophomore season because the team really felt like a mini family! It made my sophomore year great!” Natalie encourages all students to try out for the cross-country team because it can be so fun! Borowski also advises students to get involved! “If you get involved earlier in high school, you will be better connected to people, which can be beneficial for college applications and opens opportunities to sign up for things like National Honor Society.” Natalie is attending the Honors College at Towson University to major in exercise science. Best of luck at Towson, Natalie!
Bella Cordero:

Bella Cordero is easily one of the most kind-hearted people you will ever meet, so it should not shock you that she is a well-known participant in school events. Cordero especially enjoys participating in the spirit events HHS has during the year! “My favorite memory was Spirit Week because I love all the school spirit and it’s just so much fun!” Bella’s advice is to keep up with your schoolwork all the time, but especially during the senior year. “I did not expect senioritis to be real, but it is! It is hard to keep up with the school work because you are so close to the end!” Bella also suggests joining all the school events you can, not only to create memories, but so you won’t regret not being active once you leave HHS! Cordero will attend the University of North Carolina, Wilmington to pursue a Criminal Justice major! Have a great time In Wilmington, Bella!
Chad Connolly:
Chad is a well-known Hurricane for being on the football and lacrosse teams, as well as having a faithful mindset! One of Connolly’s best memories at HHS took place while playing football! “My best memory was beating Northern’s Football team senior year in overtime! That was one of the best games I have ever been a part of!” Chad’s best advice is to stay on top of your grades because they can open and close so many doors for you down the road! “Don’t forget about your future for the short-term enjoyment of skipping assignments or not studying for that big test.” Chad will be attending the United States Naval Academy where he likely will be studying engineering while he plays Division 1 Lacrosse, representing the academy. After his education, Chad will be dedicating at least five years of his life to the military. We at The Forecast wish you the best of luck at the Academy, Chad!

Emma Cox:

Emma Cox is best known for her editorial skills on the yearbook as well as being on the soccer team! “My best memory is winning regionals against Northern this year for soccer. We worked hard all season to get there, and it showed on the field!” One thing Cox did not expect was to have so much fun! Emma took two AP level classes, as well as yearbook, and Composition/Rhetoric. Cox explained that she had so much fun because of the students she was surrounded by. Emma’s advice to Hurricanes is to step out of your comfort zone and try something new! “Doing things like clubs, sports or theatre allows you to meet people in all grade levels that you normally wouldn’t have met!” Cox is attending the United States Merchant Marine Academy to major in Marine Engineering Systems! Best of luck as a recruit, Emma!
Kennedy Cross:

Kennedy is an HHS alum who is remembered as a friend, cheerleader, and overall kind person. Cross did not expect to feel so much pride when completing a major chapter in her life, like finishing off senior season as an athlete. “My best memory was my senior night, watching my friends and I walk across the track!” Kennedy strongly suggests that you should stay on top of your studies and not let yourself fall behind, whether it be in sports or in school. Cross is attending East Carolina University to major in Criminal Justice. Have a great time in Greenville, Kennedy!
Caili Cunningham:

After overcoming fears of moving out of her comfort zone, Caili is ready to experience life in South Carolina. Caili’s favorite memory is her Foundations of Tech class her freshman year. Cunningham explained that she met many of the friends she still has now as a senior in that class. She encourages freshmen to get out of their comfort zone and try new things early on in high school. Cunningham had always been intimidated by the idea of moving away and going to college, but now that she’s preparing for her future after high school, she looks forward to it. She is attending Coastal Carolina University next year and majoring in psychology. Good luck, Caili!
Gabby Fox:
Involvement in both her school and community shaped Gabby’s time in high school. Gabby Fox is a senior at HHS who is widely known for her involvement in the community and being a dancer on the dance team. Gabby danced during her freshman year pep rally! “It was something that I have never experienced before, and dancing during this was crazy!” Gabby wants everyone to take advantage of the opportunities that are put in front of them, because you will regret not taking advantage of the ones that could have benefited you in the future. Gabby is attending the Florida Institute of Technology and will be majoring in Forensic Psychology. We wish you the best of luck!

Koy Greenwell:
Koy Greenwell is well known for his outgoing personality and for being the star quarterback on the school football team! “My best memory of high school is playing under the big lights on Friday nights during the football season.” Greenwell did not expect to make so many lifelong friends through his involvement in athletics here. Koy wanted to tell his fellow Canes’ that you shouldn’t worry about pleasing everyone but just do what you want to do, as well as get involved. Koy will be attending the University of Maryland to study Business Management. Enjoy being a Terrapin, Koy!

Arturo Grimes:

If you sit in the student section at the HHS football games, then Arturo, better known as “AJ” Grimes, is no unfamiliar face to you! Being one of the most memorable faces in the student section, it is no shock that participating in that would be his brightest memory from his time here! “Nothing is better than the Friday Night Lights!” AJ’s best advice is to make sure you find someone, or multiple people with the same interests as you because it makes your high school experience so much more enjoyable and a lot more fun! Grimes is very much looking forward to taking his enthusiasm from the student section to the ocean as a SURF INSTRUCTOR with Clint Carroll, as he pursues his education to have a surfing and surfboard-making career! Surfs Up, AJ!
Mick Gullace:

For most, “The Sky is the Limit.” But for Mick Gullace, the sky will soon be called home, as he will be attending flight school. A proud Hurricane, something Gullace did not expect to happen was how close he got to his peers, based on similar struggles they were facing. The most important advice Mick wanted to offer was that you should become as involved as you can! “You don’t have to be the president of every club to be involved; go to support the sports teams, participate in school events, you can really do anything you want, you just don’t want to regret missing out!” Mick is attending Auburn University and studying professional flight. Have fun, Mick!
Joshua Hotchkiss:
Next year, Josh is leaving senior year stress behind and heading off to Furman University. Josh is known for his kindheartedness and violin talents. Hotchkiss’ favorite memory is his sophomore year trip to King’s Dominion with the Key Club. He didn’t expect his senior year to be as difficult as it was and explains that junior year prepared him mentally for senior year. “Generally junior year is supposed to be the hardest, but online school aside, I think junior year has definitely been the hardest!” He encourages freshmen to get involved in as many things as possible and adds that involvement is a great way to make a lot of friends. He plans on attending Furman University and majoring in neuroscience and minoring or double majoring in Spanish. He hopes to go to medical school after college and become a doctor. Best of luck in the medical field, Josh!
Jennifer Izaguirre Martinez:

The challenges that Jennifer endured throughout high school created some of her most beautiful high school memories. Jen is most popular for her involvement in The Forecast, serving as title of Production Manager and Copy Editor. In fact, one of her best memories is writing for The Forecast. “I love writing and feel extremely thankful that I have this platform to share ideas, information, and laughter!” Another one of her favorite memories is participating in The Hunchback of Notre Dame because Izaguirre loved performing on stage while singing with her fellow castmates. Jen insists that you shouldn’t be afraid to try new things because some of your best memories can come from challenging yourself. Jen is attending Johns Hopkins University to study molecular biology. We at The Forecast will miss your gleeful presence Jen, best of luck!
Casey Jackman:

Casey’s exciting high school experience went by quickly, but he’s ready to attend CSM and then the University of Maryland. Casey is best known for his hobby of skateboarding. A true thrill seeker, one of Jackman’s best memories was going to the football games. Memories like that are what made Casey’s time here go by so quickly. “It feels like just a few months ago I was walking into the doors on my first day of high school!” Casey suggests that you do not take your time for granted and make the best out of your time here! After attending the College of Southern Maryland for his freshman year, he will most likely transfer to the University of Maryland for his sophomore year. Casey is currently deciding his major. We know you will pick something amazing! Have fun, Casey!
Emma Koteff:

Emma is heading down south to Costal Carolina University to study Intelligence and National Security Studies! Koteff is best known around the Hurricane stomping grounds for her cheerleading at the Hurricane’s football and basketball games. As a truly hard-working student, Koteff proudly explained how she did not expect to create such a close-knit bond with her teachers throughout her time at HHS. Emma’s best advice is to be as mindful as much as you can! “Always live in the moment, [your time as a high schooler] really does go by fast!” We wish you the best of luck in South Carolina, Emma! You certainly made your mark on the Hurricane Community!
Jennifer Kreppel:

Jennifer Kreppel gracefully danced her way through high school, which led her to Alabama University! Kreppel’s best memory is being at the HHS football games and feeling how much spirit our school has. Jennifer did not expect to become so confident in herself after joining clubs and sports. “I came into high school feeling very antisocial, but after joining the clubs and sports here, I became happier with myself and more outgoing!” Jenni shared that her best advice to offer her fellow CANES is to simply get involved and join something! Kreppel is attending Alabama U. to study Criminology and Criminal Justice! Have fun in Tuscaloosa, Jenni!
Kyle Kitchen:

Anyone who has the pleasure of knowing Kyle knows that it is a great challenge to put into words how awesome of a person he is! His best memory is the overall experience of being a high school student, especially at HHS. Kitchen’s best advice for the younger hurricanes is to simply take it easy. “Don’t rush your time here, it will really fly by without you knowing!” One thing Kyle did not expect was “getting his life together” to further his academic and personal knowledge. Kitchen will proudly attend Horry-Georgetown Technical College where he will be earning his associate degree in Mechatronics. Have a great time in Georgetown, Kyle!
Bryce LaFollete:
Bryce is turning in his Hurricane jersey for one of a Virginia Tech Hokie! LaFollete is widely known for being on the HHS football team! In fact, the moments he spent on the field made up some of his best memories of his time here. “The home crowd is something that will be in my memories forever!” Something that surprised LaFollete was the amount of work that goes into applying for a college, and even after getting accepted into college. Bryce stressed that you keep your grades up, but you also make sure to live a little and have some fun during your time in Huntingtown! Bryce is attending Virginia Tech University where he will major in Marketing (Business), while also being a punter for their football team! Best of luck in Virginia, Bryce!

Tyler Lacombe:

Tyler Lacombe is a Hurricane representing East Carolina University this coming fall! You might recognize LaCombe’s name from being involved in multiple sports teams here at HHS. Outside of the sports environment, Lacombe said that his best memory from this year was becoming “best friends” with the adored HHS English teacher, Dr. Charlebois. Tyler explained some of his best advice to incoming high schoolers, “Make sure to keep your GPA up freshman year and be confident!” Tyler will be heading to East Carolina University with the intention to study Finance. Enjoy East Carolina, Tyler! We know you will do great!
Alyssa Marshall:

Alyssa is a proud Hurricane who is well known for her study habits! Receiving over $70,000 worth of scholarships, to her dream school at that, it is safe to say that Alyssa is studious and cares about her grades. “A core memory from my time at Huntingtown is when I got student of the month for Math in 10th or 11th grade!” Marshall recommends that you shouldn’t slack off in the beginning, because you will regret it in the end! Alyssa will be attending Waynesburg University to major in Psychology and minor in Criminal Justice. She has high hopes to become a Forensic Psychologist! Best of luck in Waynesburg, Alyssa!
Marisa Mozzetta:

Marisa’s high school memories led her to the path she is taking today. Marisa is most popular for her involvement in soccer and basketball. One of her most treasured memories is “being an absolute menace to every English teacher at Huntingtown.” Mozzetta says that their support and guidance made her better in the end. She adds that if you participate as much as you can, find people that matter, and have fun, you will be sure to have an awesome high school experience. Mozzetta will be attending either Towson University or MICA. Currently, is enlisted in the Maryland Army National Guard and will be in boot camp at Fort Sills. Enjoy boot camp, Marisa!
Grace Sawyer:

Grace looks forward to the impact of her photography in the future, and her own future at Eckert College! Grace is known for being involved in the yearbook committee and for her photography skills. Some of her favorite memories include taking pictures at different school events. Grace feels great satisfaction that the photos she takes during this time will be looked at ten years from now, and that she touched people’s lives in that way. Sawyer advises that you should be as confident as possible and not worry about what other people think about you. “Try to stop worrying about what others think about you because people probably don’t even notice what you are worrying about.” Grace will be attending Eckert College in Florida to major in Marine Biology with a dual minor in Photography and communications. We know that you will succeed in whatever you choose to do! Good Luck, Grace!
Kailey Smith:

Kailey ever so wisely advises other Canes to enjoy every moment of their time at Huntingtown, as she carefully prepares to leave for a new experience at Salisbury University. Kailey is best remembered for being on the school softball team! Some of her best memories include attending the football games and starting the chants in the student section. “It was always something that I looked forward to, especially the Patuxent games when I got to start chants!” Smith suggested that her fellow canes don’t take any time for granted and enjoy every moment you can while you attend Huntingtown. At Salisbury University she will major in Sociology. Have an awesome time at Salisbury!
Taylor Turley:

Taylor Turley is well known for playing on the tennis team. Some of her best memories include being at the football games and her Foundations of Technology class freshman year. Turley says that it is so important to stay motivated! “And focused from the first quarter on because your GPA is so affected by it!” Taylor also explained that juniors should start looking at scholarships and college applications as soon as possible; don’t only focus on academics, enrich yourself with sports, clubs, and the community. Have Fun! Turley is attending Penn State University to study neuroscience, specifically on the premed track. Enjoy being a Nittany Lion, Taylor!
Laura Vance:

Laura’s love of writing shaped both her high school experience and paved the way to her future at Brigham-Young University. Laura is widely known for her extensive writing vocabulary and her love for various 80’s musicians. “A lot of what made high school so great was a bunch of little memories that melted together into something beautiful!” explained Vance. Laura wants incoming freshmen to not be afraid to be themselves and to do what makes them happy. Vance also advises the current high schoolers not to compare themselves to others. “Your best may look vastly different than someone else’s best, so don’t let the disparity between the scopes of achievement get you down.” At Brigham-Young University in the fall Laura plans to major in English and Creative Writing. Laura says she will be sure to remember us all when she is on the New York Times Bestsellers List! Can’t wait to see you on that list, Laura!
On behalf of the entire Journalism Department, we wish the Class of 2022 the best of luck in whatever they choose to do in their life. We can’t wait to watch how successful each and every one of you become. Always remember, “Once a Hurricane, Always a Hurricane!”