“Embracing the Bright Side”
The sun pierced through the trees and shone light on the new day
June 11, 2020
Victoria Cook
Day 1. I saw the twinkle in my sister’s eyes as she played outside.
Day 2. The sunlight beamed through the window on a calm Sunday evening.
Day 3. My soft, silky blanket rubs up against my face as I stretch to get up in the morning.
Day 4. The soothing sounds of the outdoors really pull together a calming night.
Day 5. My eyes, drained from observing all the little details in life.
REFLECTION – Since I’m spending so much time at home, things have been so calming and so aesthetically pleasing, that it just wipes away all of my stress – just listening to nature’s sounds and looking at nature’s beauty.
Michael Hill

- I see a family going for a walk.
- Beautiful skies with hardly a cloud in sight.
- Rain and dark clouds overhead.
- Chirps of birds in the distance.
REFLECTION – The world can change as fast as the weather, one day beautiful and next day bleak, but we can see that the darkness always passes, and the light comes back.
Cheyenne Wilson
Today I woke up to a beautiful sunny day with the hint of raindrops in the air from last night, to see a soon-to-be mother and father strolling back from their little adventure through the neighborhood.
Today I awoke to a simply sunny day, so I sat outside to see the blue jays and cardinals fly around chirping away while my modified classroom for the day was outside.
Today I took a stroll through the neighborhood to see no cars flying by that gave a sense of the days that lie ahead that will be so still and quiet as today.
Today I rose from my deep sleep to have both my parents relaxing making a fast but quick brunch, so we could have time to go on down to our petite neighborhood beach to enjoy the sand between our toes and taste the saltwater air.

MY REFLECTION: During this weird situation these observations will fill peace in your mind. My thought process during the observation was to give a feeling of calmness and content to a reader.