During a peaceful day in Ukraine some Russians had come and invaded the home of a 15 year old girl by the name of Arina Yatsiuk, including her family; her mother Anna, her father Dennys, and her younger sister Valeria Yatsiuk. The girls’ parents grabbed them both and tried to make an escape from the Russian troops, they got in their car and tried to flee the Ukrainian Capital . Without getting more than ten miles down the road the family had encountered a group of Russian troops, who had seen them coming and started to fire at them. After the car had stopped some of the troops walked over and pulled out the wounded 15-year-old Arina and her sister Valeria tossing them into two separate cars. Arina was taken to the side of a road and left there standing in fear wounded, this is where she would be later found from locals of a village, while her sister was nowhere to be seen. Back where the girls’ parents had been left, they were both found dead in the car shot multiple times.
March 3rd, 2022 was the last time anyone had heard or seen of the young girl Arina Yatsiuk before she had disappeared. She is one of many 345 children who have disappeared since Russia launched the war on Ukraine since that February. Ever since the remaining family of Arina has been trying to find her, but with no luck. Her aunt Oksana Yatsiuk has said the Russians have been holding her captive, although the government of Russia says that they are “saving” the children they have and do not deny they have been taking them. The 15-year-old girl, Arina Yatsiuk ,has still not been found and no new information since the fall of 2022.