Cranes for Ukraine 

Jennifer Izaguirre , Copy Editor and Production Manager

Just two months ago, on February 24th, Russia crudely forced its entry into Ukraine, triggering both an exodus of Ukrainian refugees and a gory massacre of innocent civilians. Thankfully, as the world looked on in horror and condemned the unprompted violence, the tragedy bound people together. Many opened their homes to Ukrainian refugees, while others gave lifesaving donations for medical supplies. Here at Huntingtown, we made 1,000 cranes. These origami birds were folded just so by the hands of students, each crisp crease forming a pointy tail or amiable beak. However, the meticulous project, completed by Mrs. Bennett’s caring students in her Cultures and Cuisines class, began with the promise of a wish. An ancient Japanese legend claims that anyone who makes a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. It is with this in mind that students folded paper more diligently than ever before. To them, this project is a selfless wish for the well-being of Ukraine. It is a statement of solidarity and a symbol of hope.