All Together Now: A Revue Review
November 29, 2021
She’s a freshman, but she speaks with undeniable vigor and passion about a company she has been a member of for only three short months. She claims the stage with surety, not wavering as the bright stage lights envelop her small frame. “I thought it would be impossible for me to find a place in such a tight-knit group of talented people,” Grace Minakowski tells the audience, “but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Eye of the Storm has become a second family to me, and it means the world to us that you would support us and allow future students to have the same experience as me.”

Even with making about 5,000 hard-earned dollars from their fall play, Our Town, Eye of the Storm Productions (EOTSP) still has a long way to go before making up the $27,000 lost during the pandemic. The solution for this predicament is “All Together Now”, a benefit concert provided by Musical Theater International (MTI), a theatrical licensing agency based in New York City. They are providing over 2,500 theaters across this world with “an exclusive musical revue featuring MTI’s beloved shows… free of charge.” Eye of the Storm Productions is gladly taking part in this in an effort to curb their debt and continue generating revenue for future productions.
In this revue, company members perform songs from various musicals in a grand series of talent, choreography, and music, providing the public with a little taste of each of our favorite musicals. With slightly higher ticket prices than usual, the company is hoping to make as much money as they can by the time Little Women hits the stage in early December. And with just under $4,000 generated, they are well on their way.
“This isn’t something I’ve done before,” says Senior Alyssa Vasko, a four-year member of the company. With the number of shows they have been trying to tackle in a three-month period, she explains it has been a far more stressful experience than they are used to. “Our rehearsal times have been split between Little Women and All Together Now, so it can get pretty confusing.” Sometimes she feels the urge to explain to the underclassmen that in normal years, rehearsals couldn’t be more different, and this is just as new to the seniors as it is to the freshmen.
But it seems as though freshmen are having a wonderful experience despite the abnormality. “It was overwhelming in the best way possible,” remarks Freshman Andrew Lieux. “To know we had such a big show to put on and a public to please was stressful but getting out on stage and performing is the best feeling ever.”
The Performance
On opening night, a fraction of EOTSP took the stage, beginning the revue with a charming rendition of Beauty and the Beast’s “Be Our Guest.” More group numbers from acclaimed musicals like My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, and Mama Mia were stunningly presented to the crowd with spectacular choreography (most notably so in Guys and Dolls’ “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” where performers had to alternate between sitting and standing in amusingly short increments).

Performance time wasn’t just split between group acts, though. Breathtaking solos were sung by Seniors Sarah Dudley, Judith Oller, Ryan Dickson-Burke, and Junior Peter Nowak, causing a beat of stunned silence to follow the conclusion of each number. Every round of applause was slightly delayed, indicative of just how awestruck their voices had left the audience.
Between every few numbers, company members would personally address the audience in gratitude, humbly thanking everyone for donating their time and money to the company. Every ticket sale ensures another dollar put toward a future production, and another year available for actors, singers, dancers, choreographers, set/costume designers, and stage managers to do what they truly love.
“It means the world to me that the community gathered together to support us,” says Lieux. “To know that I already have such a strong support group and it expanded in the course of one or two nights is amazing.” From the bottom of their hearts, Eye of the Storm Productions thanks the public for their continued support, and they hope to see you on December 2,3, and 4 for their winter musical, Little Women!